Honor Doubles and Redoubles --------------------------- Also known as Rosenkranz (Re)Doubles. After responder bids over partner's overcall, advancer can make a double or redouble to show at least Ax or Kx in overcaller's suit and about 6 or more points. Note that some players want The implications are that a pass, free bid, or any raises deny those holdings (Ax or Kx). Examples: 1C-1H-x(neg)- xx = at least doubleton heart headed by Ace or King p = no possible bid free bids = denies the Ace or King of hearts heart raises = whatever point counts you've agreed on, but denies the Ace or King of hearts 1H-1S-2D- x = at least doubleton spade headed by Ace or King p = no possible bid free bids = denies the Ace or King of spades spade raises = denies the Ace or King of spades Reverse Rosenkranz Doubles -------------------------- This is where the meanings of the double and raises are reversed. Thus a double denies the Ace or King, and a raise shows it.